At least the family members will all know that Jesse in “Intervention” is modeled after my own amazing Border Collie of the same name- Jesse. There are so many stories about him through his 14 year life. I plan on sharing some of these. One even involves a UFO. “The Black and White of it” on the Booksie site tells another in a brief short story. There will be many stories on him in this section. We now have two other BC and they will also be highlighted. For now I just guide you to Search for me/”The Black and White of it”. His picture is there too!
I grew up with German Shepards..Blitz and Eric. Both show champions. Undefeated in tug of war against my dad and brothers. In the 70s most houses in neighborhood had been broken into..Not ours Eric could hear people walking down the cinder ally a block away. Next to the driveway was a hedge of berry bushes which attracted bumble bees. He didn’t like them. If you walk him by he would snap them in half in the blink of an eye. Never got stung that I am aware of.
Jan 23
My original plan was to delve into past pets! Then fate threw a curveball. For Christmas 2023 we received an Australian Sheperd puppy we are calling Lucy. She brings the dog count to 3. Buddy is an 8 year old Border Collie who loves bubbles. Dazee also a Border Collie just turned 12 and is battling cancer. We had a Frosty Paw party the other day. The older ones are still limited in their time with the little rough neck. I will add some pictures when I figure out how.
Feb 7, 2024
Buddy and Dazee have grudgingly accepted their new troublesome little sister Lucy. More on that later. For now step back with me to my high school years. Our family had gotten a female Airedale named Windy. About half mile away was mostly farmland in those days. You walked past the ball diamonds at south 7th and D until seventh ended. You hang a left and it was mostly fields. on either side. Some years corn and some years soybeans. I would walk Windy on the edge of the field toward the railroad tracks. There were sometimes rabbits. On one occasion I had released the leash so she could run ahead. Sure enough she flushed one out which ran aways and into a nearby hole. That was right as a downpour cut lose. I ran to catch up as she had dug the hole from a few inches in diameter to a couple feet. I reached into the hole and pulled her out and attached the leash. She was caked in mud. I knew a bath was coming. By the time I wrestled her back to 7th street the sun was out and the mud drying pulling hair with each step. So I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. My mom saw us coming down the driveway and got a soapy bucket and sponge. Compared to other bath time with pets(Jesse) it wasn’t that bad.
I am sad to report that the cancer returned to Dazee’s back leg area that was removed for that reason. We had to have her put down. Now she frolics on the other side of the rainbow bridge with Jesse and my other wonderful dogs. Do dogs go on in the afterlife? I sure hope so. Some say they are actually angels and help us grow spiritually. Maybe that is true. I know I miss Dazee nearly every day even though I have a new breakfast partner(Lucy). Buddy is slowing down but he has had two surgeries for blown Achilles.
I went the Ossian Pet cemetery after attending the Norwell/Mississinewa baseball game. It was a very emotional time. Both dogs ashes are there. Rain was starting but I still felt near my dogs. I was greeted by two from the place as I was leaving. I miss them every day.
Buddy is hanging in there now eating and drinking again. He still likes to play in the hose and has become friends with Lucy. He has learned when to let her know he is tired of her rough housing. The prednisone means he is needing to go out every couple hours or so. I hope somehow the cancer that was found goes dormant for a long while or miraculously disappears.
Buddy had to be put down late at night on the 28th. He took his last walk out to say bye to the family. Then collapsed and couldn’t not get up or raise his head. We took him to the ER Vet and he was put down to avoid the pain he was having. I miss my good boy so much. Everything reminds me of either him or Dazee. Now they are playing together.